In het najaar van 2024 staat een nieuw nestje gepland.
Uw interesse in een pup kunt u kenbaar maken via het 'interesse formulier'.
Please don't forget your breeder
I knew from day one not every puppy could stay
Preparing them for life took many hours of each day.
I love every minute watching them develop and thrive
Helping them discover the world fills me with pride.
The weeks are numbered never enough time
I worry, even though I know the puppies will be fine.
I trust you with this puppy and hope you understand
I handpicked you, and expect you'll follow the plan.
Continue to provide new experiences each day
Never stop training your puppy, and always include play.
I will never forget my puppies and will always be there
Please provide them the best of the rest of their years.
No matter how long your baby was here
Not staying in touch is my biggest fear.
Bron: Facebook